Reiki 1, 2 and 3 courses 

Each course last's one full day. You also received additional mentoring after the course.

The world would be a better place if more people learned Reiki.

Reiki is a magical gift that is available to everyone.

I teach traditional Usui sytem of natural healing which is a Japanese  healing art.

Whichever course you are looking to book, all my Reiki training days are personalised just for you and run on a one-to-one basis.

I work one-to-one for the whole day with you to give you the best Reiki training day ever.

My years of experience teaching Reiki have taught me each students need something different from the day. So that’s what I give you.

So why choose me for your Reiki Teacher

Because I want the best for you. am  I support you connecting the best version of you. Of course, you will receive all the knowledge and attunements you need for your Reiki course.

But I want to give you more.

I teach what I feel is the purest form of Reiki, which is Usui Reiki.

Reiki is such a wonderful healing art that it is transformative by its very nature, so you will transform on your Reiki journey. You will literally invite light into your own life and that invitation alone will gently shift you, so you are more in alignment with your true nature.

Old hurts and blockages holding you back in life will be softened and healed simply by learning and using Reiki on yourself.

Life becomes less of a struggle and more of a joy.

As you continue on your Reiki journey you will blossom and bloom.

I look on teaching you Reiki as just the beginning. As a spiritual mentor I can give ongoing support to you as you grow.

So why am I so passionate about helping you?

Simply because I want the best for you and I know the happier and more in alingment you are with yourself the more that will ripple out into the world.

I know when I did my own Reiki training once the course was completed then the support was gone until the next course.

Reiki will open you up to a whole host of new possibilities and I don’t want you to feel alone on your path, which is why I have started my online community for you.

There are many benefits to embracing Reiki as part of your life, it’s so simple to learn, non-religious and once you are attuned it’s with you for life. 

if you have any questions you would like to ask about any of my courses please contact me at : [email protected] or call 07802713492

Reiki 1

Reiki level 1 is your first step.

Reiki 1 will support your own journey back to your heart and help support your loved ones. What a beautiful gift to yourself!

Just think how you will feel living in a more relaxed way and living life more in flow. You will feel happier, more creative and have more energy for yourself and others.

Once you are attuned to Reiki and can access universal energy you can use it in a hundred ways.

  • Help you relax and deal with stress.
  • Keep you focused and in the flow.
  • Soothe away pain and discomfort.
  • Help your loved ones or your children sleep at night.

You can never give too much Reiki once you are trained. Imagine how beautiful it will be to treat yourself, friends, family and even plants. Yes, that’s right you can even use it to make your garden grow.

I will be with you every step of your Reiki journey and you also will have the support of my online community for life absolutely free.

Once you book your course we can chat by either email or on the phone to find out exactly why you want to learn Reiki and I will create a unique day just for you.

It’s your day lovely.

Each course is taught over one day which will be a very special day just for you. 

Cost of Course is £227

You will also receive extra support from me by SMS / phone during the 21 days folllowing the course.

Reiki 2

So, are you ready for the next stage of your journey?

Let’s jump right in and create the perfect day for you. It makes no difference to the course if you are a returning student or started your Reiki journey with a different teacher.

Now you have experienced how empowering it is to have Reiki in your life.

It’s time to step forward into Reiki 2 and polish your practical skills so you can now become a qualified practitioner and charge for your treatments.

You will receive further attunements today and learn the power of Reiki symbols.

You will also learn how to use Reiki as a distance healing tool.

Your self-healing from Reiki 1 has prepared you to open up to the powerful transformative energy of Reiki 2.

As you walk further on your journey as a light worker and healer you will learn more about the tools for your journey.

So, what do you need from this day? Apart from all the aspects of teaching you and attuning you to Reiki 2 we will also have some time just for you. So, think about what you want from this day. Do you want more knowledge or perhaps to clear any resistance around things that you have noticed since Reiki 1?

The day is yours lovely so let’s make it a beautiful and empowering one.

I will also give you further guidance on creating your sacred space and treating clients.

You are the narrator of your own story. Just decide where you want to go.

When I completed my Reiki 2 course I was just left to my own devices. But what makes me different as a teacher is that I want to support you after your course. 

Cost  of course £227

You will alos receive extra support from me by SMS phone during  21 days after the course.

Contact me [email protected] or call 07488367753

Reiki 3

So what’s next after Reiki 2? Once you are confident in treating clients with Reiki I can introduce you to Reiki 3 and Reiki Master Training. These allow you to explore the world of Reiki at a deeper level.

Some students want to progress to this level as they have a passion for sharing Reiki with the world. Other students commit to this course for their own self-development. Both reasons are perfect for choosing this training.

I found Reiki 3 the most powerful of all my attunements as it opened my world up and shifted me at a cellular level.

Reiki and I became one and that felt so right.

You will receive a further two powerful attunments during your Reiki 3 course.

We will also explore other forms of Reiki and the symbols used.

As with all my courses this is your day and there will be time in the day for you to decide what you want from me. More knowledge around a subject or perhaps some Spiritual Mentoring or clearing of any resistance you may have? It’s entirely up to you.

Cost of Course £227

You will also receive support fro me by SMS / Phone during the 21 days after the course.

Your next step after Reiki 3 is your Reiki Master Training. 

So, let’s have that chat and see where you are on your Reiki journey. My promise to you is that I will be with you every step of the way on your Reiki journey. 

Contac  me at [email protected] 

Love and Blessings 

Morag x

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About the instructor

Magdalen High Priestess, Master Energy Healer, Mediation Teacher and Holistic Therapist.

Morag Turner

For over a decade I have been helping clients “remember”, connecting them to that strong, powerful woman that they are. It’s all about remembering.

In my early years, I lived on the edge of the Malaysian jungle and ran feral and free.

My Dharma is to guide you to the truth of who you are to support you with love and wisdom in your awakening process.

I connected to my spiritual teacher Shivani and began my journey back to self over 20 years ago. Our student-teacher relationship was long-distance.

"Morag exemplifies true and humble professionalism in a most precious and gifted expression of care and compassion, always inviting her clients to be the very best of who they are. Whilst ever holding space for gentle expansion, she will never shy from evoking the best within each person who sits with her.” ~ Shivani.

My journey to my own remembering led me around the world, learning from many Spiritual Teachers and Mystics. I don't follow any particular tradition but have woven my own tapestry of light from the teachings, I received and have created a unique way of :

“Remembering Her”

I have 20 years of experience walking my own spiritual path. I have walked through many dark nights of the soul and felt the bliss of being held by grace. I have walked this path and know how challenging it can feel to walk alone. Only by experiencing my own spiritual awakening am I able I support you in yours.

Course Curriculum

  1. 1
    • Japanese Usui Reiki Course 1,2 and 3 taught in Deal near London

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